

This document is accompanying the Elysys Analytics platform and has been created for the purpose of providing users with brief guidance on how to start with the use of this BI solution and getting familiar with the existing fields. It will cover basics such as how the data is structured and what reports can be built with each set of fields.

Having that in mind, please note that the standard package of reports contains the minimum, so users can extend it according to their needs and technical capacities.

Analytical Fields Are Structured in the Following Tables


There Are Three Different Types of Fields:

  • Dimensions: specifies the aggregation level i.e Company, Portfolio, Investment,

  • Measures: specifies the calculated amount i.e Market Value, Quantity, Realised Gain Loss

  • DAX: this represents a measure that is created by the user or anybody with an access to the report. It’s similar to any new cell in Excel.


Field Meaning Type
Schedule Name Specifies the name of the account schedule (financial report) Dimension
Line No_ Specifies the line number from the report structure Dimension
Row No_ Specifies the row number from the report structure Dimension
Description Specifies the Description from the report structure Dimension
Totaling Specifies the totaling formula from the report structure Dimension
Totaling Type Specifies the totaling type from the report structure Dimension
Bold Specifies if the bold option was toggled on Dimension
Underline Specifies if the underline function was toggled on Dimension
Indentation Specifies if the line is indented Dimension
GL Account No Specifies the GL account number Dimension
Document No Specifies the document number Dimension
Income_Balance Specifies the type of the GL account – balance sheet or income Dimension
ShowOppositeSign Specifies if the Show opposite sign option was toggled on Dimension
Description Indented Specifies if the description is intended Dimension
PriorYearEntry Specifies if the entry was involved in a year end closing activity Dimension
Account Schedule Amount Specifies the income statement amount Measure
Account Schedule Amount LTD Specifies the balance sheet amount Measure
Field Meaning Type
No Specifies the number of the GL account Dimension
Name Specifies the line number from the report structure Dimension
Account Type Specifies the number of the GL account Dimension
IncomeBalance Specifies the type of the GL account – balance sheet or income Dimension
Company Specifies the company Dimension
Account Category Specifies the account category Dimension
Account Category Sort Specifies the sorting for the account category Dimension

GL Entry – fields related to general ledger

Field Meaning Type
Posting Date Specifies the posting date Dimension
GlobalDimension1Code Specifies the code for the global dimension 1 Dimension
GlobalDimension2Code Specifies the code for the global dimension 2 Dimension
SourceCode Specifies the source code Dimension
Description Specifies the description Dimension
DocumentNo Specifies the document number Dimension
DocumentDate Specifies if the document date Dimension
CurrencyCodeTcy Specifies if the currency code TCY Dimension
Company Specifies if the company Dimension
Dimension1Code Specifies the code for dimension 1 Dimension
Dimension2Code Specifies the code for dimension 2 Dimension
Dimension3Code Specifies the code for dimension 3 Dimension
Dimension4Code Specifies the code for dimension 4 Dimension
Dimension5Code Specifies the code for dimension 5 Dimension
Dimension6Code Specifies the code for dimension 6 Dimension
Dimension7Code Specifies the code for dimension 7 Dimension
Dimension8Code Specifies the code for dimension 8 Dimension
Dimension1Name Specifies the name for dimension 1 Dimension
Dimension2Name Specifies the name for dimension 2 Dimension
Dimension3Name Specifies the name for dimension 3 Dimension
Dimension4Name Specifies the name for dimension 4 Dimension
Dimension5Name Specifies the name for dimension 5 Dimension
Dimension6Name Specifies the name for dimension 6 Dimension
Dimension7Name Specifies the name for dimension 7 Dimension
Dimension8Name Specifies the name for dimension 8 Dimension
Dimension8Name Specifies the name for dimension 8 Dimension
Dimension1ValueCode Specifies the value code for dimension 1 Dimension
Dimension2ValueCode Specifies the value code for dimension 2 Dimension
Dimension3ValueCode Specifies the value code for dimension 3 Dimension
Dimension4ValueCode Specifies the value code for dimension 4 Dimension
Dimension5ValueCode Specifies the value code for dimension 5 Dimension
Dimension6ValueCode Specifies the value code for dimension 6 Dimension
Dimension7ValueCode Specifies the value code for dimension 7 Dimension
Dimension8ValueCode Specifies the value code for dimension 8 Dimension
Dimension1ValueName Specifies the value name for dimension 1 Dimension
Dimension2ValueName Specifies the value name for dimension 2 Dimension
Dimension3ValueName Specifies the value name for dimension 3 Dimension
Dimension4ValueName Specifies the value name for dimension 4 Dimension
Dimension5ValueName Specifies the value name for dimension 5 Dimension
Dimension6ValueName Specifies the value name for dimension 6 Dimension
Dimension7ValueName Specifies the value name for dimension 7 Dimension
Dimension8ValueName Specifies the value name for dimension 8 Dimension
BudgetAmount Specifies the budget amount Dimension
BalAccountNo Specifies the balancing account number Dimension
UserId Specifies the user id Dimension
Prior-YearEntry Specifies if the entry was involved in a closing year activity Dimension
JournalBatchName Specifies the journal batch name Dimension
BalAccountType Specifies the balancing account type Dimension
BalAccountType Specifies the balancing account type Dimension
ExternalDocumentNo Specifies the external document number Dimension
NoSeries Specifies the number series Dimension
Reversed Specifies if the entry was reversed Dimension
FAEntryType Specifies the fixed asset entry type Dimension
FAEntryNo Specifies the fixed asset entry no Dimension
InvestmentEntryType Specifies the investment entry type Dimension
SystemModifiedAt Specifies the modification date Dimension
HashkeyForVendor Specifies the hash key for vendor Dimension
InterCompanyDimCode Specifies the intercompany dimension code Dimension
InterCompanyDimName Specifies the intercompany dimension name Dimension
GenPostingType Specifies the posting type Dimension
GL Amount Specifies the GL amount Measure
GL Currency Amount Specifies the GL amount in currency Measure
GL Credit Amount Specifies the GL credit amount Measure
GL Debit Amount Specifies the GL debit amount Measure
GL Underlying Amount Specifies the GL underlying amount Measure
Field Meaning Type
Cashflow Amount Specifies the cashflow amount Measure
IRR Specifies the IRR Measure
IRR ex MV Specifies the IRR excluding the market value Measure
Field Meaning Type
Company Specifies the company code Dimension
Portfolio Code Specifies the portfolio code Dimension
Investment code Specifies the investment code Dimension
Asset Class Specifies the asset class Dimension
Custom Asset Class Specifies the custom asset class Dimension
Custom Sub Class Specifies the custom sub class Dimension
Instrument Type Specifies the instrument type Dimension
RiskClass Specifies the risk class Dimension
Bank Exposure Specifies the bank exposure Dimension
Market Place Code Specifies the market place code Dimension
Country Region Specifies the country region Dimension
EU Country Region   Dimension
VAT Scheme Specifies the VAT scheme Dimension
Intrastat Code Specifies the intrastat code Dimension
Industry Sector Specifes the industry sector Dimension
Analytic 1 Specifies the analytic 1 Dimension
Analytic 2 Specifies the analytic 2 Dimension
Analytic 3 Specifies the analytic 3 Dimension
Analytic 4 Specifies the analytic 4 Dimension
Analytic 5 Specifies the analytic 5 Dimension
Analytic 6 Specifies the analytic 6 Dimension
Benchmark1 Specifies the benchmark 1 Dimension
Benchmark2 Specifies the benchmark 2 Dimension
Benchmark3 Specifies the benchmark 3 Dimension
Benchmark4 Specifies the benchmark 4 Dimension
Investment Type Specifies the investment type Dimension
Description Specifies the description of the investment Dimension
Maturity Date Specifies the maturity date Dimension
Vintage Specifies the vintage for the private equity funds Dimension
Company Name Specifies the company name Dimension
Custodian Code Specifies the custodian code Dimension
Custodian Name Specifies the custodian name Dimension
ISIN Code Specifies the ISIN code Dimension
Bonds Rate Specifies the bond rate Dimension
Coupon Barrier Specifies the coupon barrier Dimension
Coupon Guarantee Specifies if a coupon is guarantee Dimension
Underlying Product Specifies the underlying product Dimension
Underlying Spot Specifies the underlying spot Dimension
Underlying Type Specifies the underlying spot Dimension
Date of Issue Specifies the date of issue Dimension
First Coupon Date Specifies the first coupon date Dimension
Coupon Frequency Specifies the coupon frequency Dimension
Day Count Specifies the day count Dimension
Contract Type Specifies the contract type Dimension
Strike Price Specifes the strike price Dimension
Option Type Specifies the option type Dimension
Portfolio Name Specifies the portfolio name Dimension
FixedAssetClassCode Specifies the fixed asset class code Dimension
FixedAssetSubClass Specifes the fixed asset sub class Dimension
Entity Specfies the entity – aggregation of multiple companies Dimension
EntityDescription Specifes the entity description Dimension
Ownership Specifies the percentage ownership Dimension
First Trade Date Specifies the first trade date Dimension
Loan Deposit Rate Specifies the loan deposit rate Dimension
Loan Deposit Rate Base Specifies the loan deposit rate base Dimension
Field Meaning Type
Closed Specifies if the position is closed/ matured Dimension
First Trade Date Specifies the first posting date  
Currency Code ICY Specifies the currency in which the investment is denominated in Dimension
Market Price Desc Specifies the market price nature, cost or market Dimension
Last Trade Date Specifies the last posting date Dimension
Model Refresh Date Specifies the refresh date of the model Dimension
LCY Code Specifies the local currency code in which the company is denominated in Dimension
Initial Trade Year Specifies the year of the first posted entry Dimension
Market Price Date Specifies the last date of the market price Dimension
MV0 GCY Specifies the beginning market value in global currency Measure
MV0 ICY Specifies the beginning market value in investment currency Measure
MV0 LCY Specifies the beginning market value in local currency Measure
MV1 GCY Specifies the ending market value in global currency Measure
MV1 ICY Specifies the ending market value in local currency Measure
MV1 LCY Specifies the ending market value in investment currency Measure
Amount ICY Specifies the cost amount in investment currency Measure
Amount GCY Specifies the cost amount in global currency Measure
Exchange Rate GCY Specifies the exchange rate between the investment currency and the global currency Measure
Last Tarding Price ICY Specifies the last trading price in the investment currency Dimension
Dietz Return YTD Specifies the Dietz Return Measure
TWR Intraday ICY Specifies the daily returns in investment currency Measure
TWR MTD ICY Specifies the month to date returns in investment currency Measure
TWR YTD ICY Specifies the year to date returns in investment currency Measure
TWR ITD ICY Specifies the inception to date returns in investment currency Measure
TWR 1Y ICY Specifies the one year returns in investment currency Measure
Market Value ICY Specifies the market value in investment currency Measure
Last Trading Price GCY Specifies the last trading price in the global currency Measure
Market Value GCY Specifies the market value in global currency Measure
Market Value Provisional ICY Specifies the market value for the pending contracts in investment currency Measure
Market Value Provisional GCY Specifies the market value for the pending contracts in global currency Measure
Price ICY Specifies the trade price in investment currency Measure
Quantity Specifies the posted number of shares or nominal amount Measure
Total Market Value ICY Specifies the market value for all contracts (pending and posted) in investment currency Measure
Total Market Value GCY Specifies the market value for all contracts (pending and posted) in global currency Measure
Total Quantity Specifies the number of shares and nominal for all contracts, pending and posted Measure
WAC Price ICY Specifies the average price in investment currency Measure
Cash GCY Specifies the posted cash amount in global currency Measure
Cash ICY Specifies the posted cash amount in investment currency Measure
Cash Total ICY Specifies the posted and pending cash amount in global currency Measure
Fees Close ICY Specifies the posted and pending cash amount in investment currency Measure
Fees Close GCY Specifies the fees for the closing contracts in global currency Measure
Fees Open ICY Specifies the fees for the opening contracts in investment currency Measure
Fees Open GCY Specifies the fees for the opening contracts in global currency Measure
Total Fees ICY Specifies the fees for the opening and closing contracts in investment currency Measure
Total Fees GCY Specifies the fees for the opening and closing contracts in global currency Measure
Unsettled Cash ICY Specifies the cash to be settled in investment currency Measure
Unsettled Cash GCY Specifies the cash to be settled in global currency Measure
Amount Provisional ICY Specifies the cost amount for the pending contracts in investment currency Measure
Amount Provisional GCY Specifies the cost amount for the pending contracts in global currency Measure
Cash Provisional GCY Specifies the pending cash amount in global currency Measure
Cash Provisional ICY Specifies the pending cash amount in investment currency Measure
Price Provisional ICY Specifies the trade price in investment currency for the pending contracts Measure
Quantity Provisional Specifies the pending number of shares or nominal amount Measure
Wac Price GCY Specifies the average price in global currency for the pending contracts Measure
Price GCY Specifies the trade price in global currency for the posted contracts Measure
TWR Intraday GCY Specifies the daily returns in global currency Measure
TWR ITD GCY Specifies the returns since inception to date in global currency Measure
TWR MTD GCY Specifies the monthly returns in global currency Measure
Cash in ICY Specifies the cash amount generated from purchases in investment currency Measure
Cash Out ICY Specifies the cash amount generated from purchases in investment currency Measure
Cash in GCY Specifies the cash amount generated from purchases in global currency Measure
Cash Out GCY Specifies the cash amount generated from purchases in global currency Measure
Interest Accrued ICY Specifies the posted accrued interest amount in investment currency Measure
Interest Accrued GCY Specifies the posted accrued interest amount in global currency Measure
Depreciation ICY Specifies the depreciation amount in global currency Measure
Depreciation GCY Specifies the depreciation amount in global currency Measure
Net Book Value ICY Specifies the net book value amount in investment currency Measure
Net Book Value GCY Specifies the net book value amount in global currency Measure
Interest Paid GCY Specifies the posted interest repayment amount in global currency Measure
Interest Paid ICY Specifies the posted interest repayment amount in investment currency Measure
Rate Floating Specifies the spread or the fix part of the floating rate Measure
Date of Issue Specifies the issue date Dimension
First Coupon Date Specifies the date of the first coupon Measure
Capital Return NonRecallable ICY Specifies the nonrecallable capital returns for the private equity funds in investment currency Measure
Capital Return NonRecallable GCY Specifies the nonrecallable capital returns for the private equity funds in global currency Measure
Capital Return NonRecallable Provisional ICY Specifies the pending nonrecallable capital returns for the private equity funds in investment currency Measure
Capital Return NonRecallable Provisional GCY Specifies the pending nonrecallable capital returns for the private equity funds in global currency Measure
Capital Returns ICY Specifies the posted capital returns for the private equity funds in investment currency Measure
Capital Returns GCY Specifies the posted capital returns for the private equity funds in global currency Measure
Balance Commitment GCY Specifies the posted balance commitment for the private equity in global currency Measure
Balance Commitment ICY Specifies the posted balance commitment for the private equity in investment currency Measure
Balance Commitment NonRecallable ICY Specifies the posted nonrecallable balance commitment for the private equity in investment currency Measure
Balance Commitment NonRecallable GCY Specifies the posted nonrecallable balance commitment for the private equity in global currency Measure
Commitment GCY Specifies the posted commitment for the private equity funds in global currency Measure
Commitment ICY Specifies the posted commitment for the private equity funds in investment currency Measure
Total Balance Commitment GCY Specifies the posted and pending balance commitment for the private equity in global currency Measure
Total Balance Commitment ICY Specifies the posted and pending balance commitment for the private equity in investment currency Measure
Total Balance Commitment NonRecallable GCY Specifies the posted and pending nonrecallable balance commitment for the private equity in global currency Measure
Total Balance Commitment NonRecallable ICY Specifies the posted and pending nonrecallable balance commitment for the private equity in investment currency Measure
Total Commitment GCY Specifies the posted and pending commitment for the private equity in global currency Measure
Total Commitment ICY Specifies the posted and pending commitment for the private equity in investment currency Measure
Expenses GCY Specifies the expenses amount for the private equity funds in global currency Measure
Expenses ICY Specifies the expenses amount for the private equity funds in investment currency Measure
Fees GCY Specifies the fees amount for the private equity funds in global currency Measure
Fees ICY Specifies the fees amount for the private equity funds in investment currency Measure
Inv Fees GCY Specifies the private equity fees in global currency Measure
Inv Fees ICY Specifies the private equity fees in investment currency Measure
Gain Loss GCY Specifies the posted realised gain or loss amount in global currency Measure
Gain Loss ICY Specifies the posted realised gain or loss amount in investment currency Measure
Gain Loss Provisional GCY Specifies the pending realised gain or loss amount in global currency Measure
Gain Loss Provisional ICY Specifies the pending realised gain or loss amount in investment currency Measure
Total Gain Loss GCY Specifies the posted and pending realised gain or loss amount in global currency Measure
Total Gain Loss ICY Specifies the posted and pending realised gain or loss amount in investment currency Measure
Maturity Banding    
MOIC GCY Specifies the Multiple on Invested Capital for the private equity funds in global currency Measure
MOIC ICY Specifies the Multiple on Invested Capital for the private equity funds in investment currency Measure
Purchase Capital GCY Specifies the purchase amount in global currency Measure
Purchase Capital ICY Specifies the purchase amount in investement currency Measure
Purchase GCY    
Purchases GCY Specifies the purchase amount in global currency Measure
Purchases ICY Specifies the purchase amount in investment currency Measure
Sales GCY Specifies the sales amount in global currency Measure
Sales ICY Specifies the sales amount in investment currency Measure
Tax GCY Specifies the tax amount for the private equity funds in global currency Measure
Tax ICY Specifies the tax amount for the private equity funds in investment currency Measure
Total Unrealised Gain Loss GCY Specifies the unrealised gain loss amount for posted and pending trades in global currency Measure
Total Unrealised Gain Loss ICY Specifies the unrealised gain loss amount for posted and pending trades in investment currency Measure
Unrealised Gain Loss GCY Specifies the unrealised gain loss amount for posted trades in global currency Measure
Unrealised Gain Loss ICY Specifies the unrealised gain loss amount for posted trades in investment currency Measure
Unrealised Gain Loss PE GCY Specifies the unrealised gain loss amount for posted trades for the private equity funds in global currency Measure
Unrealised Gain Loss PE ICY Specifies the unrealised gain loss amount for posted trades for the private equity funds in investment currency Measure
Unrealised Gain Loss Perc    
Unrealised Gain Loss Provisional GCY Specifies the unrealised gain loss amount for posted and pending trades in global currency Measure
Unrealised Gain Loss Provisional ICY Specifies the unrealised gain loss amount for posted and pending trades in investment currency Measure
Contract Type Specifies the contract type, call or put Dimension
Opt. Delta Specifies the Delta Greek of an open option contract Measure
Opt. Delta Composite Specifies the Delta Composite of an open option contract Measure
Opt. Gamma Specifies the Gamma Greek of an open option contract Measure
Opt. Implied Volatility Specifies the implied volatility computed by the BS/CRR model Measure
Opt. Rho Specifies the Rho Greek of an open option contract Measure
Opt. Theta Specifies the Theta Greek of an open option contract Measure
Opt. Vega Specifies the Vega Greek of an open option contract Measure
Option Type Specifies the option type, American or European Dimension
Risk-free Rate Specifies the Risk-free rate used for Greeks calculations Measure
Strike Price Specifies the strike price Measure
Underlying Price ICY Specifies the price of the underlying in investment currency Measure
AssetClass Specifies the asset class of the investment linked to the transaction Dimension
Closed Specifies if the position was closed or not Dimension
Company Specifies the company in which the transaction was posted Dimension
CurrencyCodeICY Specifies the currency code associated to the transaction Dimension
DocumentNo Specifies the document number associated to the transaction in the ledgers Dimension
DocumentType Specifies the document type or the transaction type Dimension
InvestmentCode Specifies the investment code associated to the transaction Dimension
LedgerName Specifies the name of the ledger Dimension
PortfolioCode Specifies the portfolio code associated to the transaction Dimension
Posting Date Specifies the posting date associated to the transaction Dimension
Quantity Specifies the quantity associated to the transaction Measure
Transaction Amount GCY Specifies the cost amount in global currency Measure
Transaction Amount ICY Specifies the cost amount in investment currency Measure
Transaction Amount LTD GCY    
Transaction Amount LTD ICY    
Transaction Price ICY Specifies the trade price in the investment currency Measure
Transaction Quantity Specifies the traded quantity Measure
AssetClass Specifies the vendor posting group Dimension
Company Specifies the company code in which the transaction was posted Dimension
CompanyDisplayName Specifies the company name in which the transaction was posted Dimension
CurrencyCode Specifies the vendor currency code Dimension
Description Specifies the description added to the transaction Dimension
DocumentNo Specifies the document number associated to the transaction in the ledgers Dimension
DocumentType Specifies the document type or the transaction type Dimension
InvestmentCode Specifies the vendor code associated to the transaction Dimension
Investment Type Specifies the vendor posting group Dimension
PaymentMethodCode Specifies the payment method code Dimension
PortfolioCode Specifies the portfolio code associated to the transaction Dimension
PostingDate Specifies the posting date associated to the transaction Dimension
VendorAmount Specifies the amount posted in the ledger in currency Measure
VendorAmountGCY Specifies the amount posted in the ledger in global currency Measure
VendorPostingGroup Specifies the vendor posting group Dimension